Adoption Day – A Glimpse of Heaven



Today is National Adoption Day, an event which took on new meaning for us as we finalized the adoption of our two children this morning!  Words cannot describe what it felt like to stand before the judge and hear him pronounce us a forever family, with all the rights and responsibilities this entails.

This has been a long journey for us, but it’s really quite amazing to glance back and see how the Lord has walked beside us each step of the way.  He has blessed us beyond anything we could have imagined, and has brought us the two most wonderful kids on the planet (I may be a little biased, of course)!

The courthouse was so full of adoptive families that it was difficult to move around, and to think that this was going on in every city across the nation was a staggering thought.  What a beautiful picture of the Gospel, and what a blessed glimpse of the day where the Father will call all his children home to be forever His!


“The Gospel is not a picture of adoption, adoption is a picture of the Gospel.”

~ John Piper


“If anybody understands God’s ardor for his children, it’s someone who has rescued an orphan from despair, for that is what God has done for us. God has adopted you. God sought you, found you, signed the papers and took you home.”

~ Max Lucado



37 thoughts on “Adoption Day – A Glimpse of Heaven

  1. Congratulations! As a legal assistant, I have prepared many adoption decrees and seen excited children and parents on “THE” big day. It is by far one of the blessing in my work. But…you were a family long before the Judge signed the order. Blessings to you!


  2. I saw this earlier as it came through my email inbox, but was away visiting family and didn’t have a chance to respond … but I am so thrilled for you and your wife and the two beautiful children God placed into your family! Adoption is a wonderful picture of our relationship with God. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers as you grow and bond together. Your story is an encouragement to me and my husband as we continue on the fostering path.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear it! Thanks for encouraging us as we’ve gone along this journey, and for continuing to pray for us. I’m sure we still have all sorts of adventures ahead!

      We’ll be praying for you and Jon and your own fostering journey, too… we definitely understand what those ups and downs can feel like, but I know you guys are doing great!


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