Flash Friday Fiction – “Akane”

A dark story tinged with death, a Japanese typhoon, and 160 words to tell a captivating story.  What’s not to love about this week’s Flash! Friday Challenge?



Typhoon Maid Thursday. CC photo by Shuji Moriwaki.



After rain comes fair weather.”

Japanese Proverb


The sky was a livid shade of grey, pummeling the earth with torrential rain. Akane’s heart surged with excitement as the wind ripped angrily at her hair.

The storm was coming.

She had never understood her name. Akane meant “angry child,” but she had always been a dutiful daughter. Sweet and docile, in spite of the years of unspeakable abuse.

But a broiling anger had always simmered just beneath the surface. As she grew older and began to discover her uncanny ability to control the weather, she had understood the importance of managing her feelings.

Until now.

Her parents had betrayed her, told the authorities about her gift. They tried to tie her down… to stop her with nerve gas. Her rage swelled, and so did the tempest.

Crack! Sharp pain… her blouse darkened by a deep, red blotch.

Betrayed… again…

The angry child slumped quietly into oblivion, taking the tempest with her.




Spiritual Reflection

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,  for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

James 1:19-20

It is often tempting to simply give way to our feelings and allow our emotions to dictate our actions, especially when we have a good reason to be angry.  However, just as Akane learned (the hard way, I might add) allowing anger to steer our course will only set our life on a path headed toward bitterness, heartbreak, and utter destruction.  Instead, by learning to take our anger and frustrations and put them directly into the Lord’s capable hands, we can find lasting peace and a solace from the wild tempests of life.

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

I Peter 5:7

8 thoughts on “Flash Friday Fiction – “Akane”

  1. Yes, much said in few words-well done. Would you clarify something for me though? I may be making too much out of little, but I read your story and subsequent reflection and thought, what about the unspeakable abuse? What about being betrayed by her parents? Completely biblical to cast our cares on the Lord and trust him in the face of abuse and betrayal. It just seems there’s so much more in your story that to simmer it down simply into warnings against being controlled by anger misses other incredibly important points as well. Maybe it’s the real-life stories I know of children being abused by parents and other authorities that influence my perception of this piece.


    1. I think you’ve brought up an excellent point, but my conclusion still stands. I also know many people who have been affected by childhood abuse, and this really does leave lifelong emotional scars. Situations like this make it feel as if it’s impossible for us to forgive. But holding on to anger and rage (even if it’s justified) simply gives these things more power over our lives, and in a way, gives an abuser more power over us. Holding on to this anger doesn’t really affect anyone but ourselves – and it does so in a negative way. While finding forgiveness and healing in these situations may be impossible for us, we know that all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26). He can provide healing and restoration in even the most unthinkable circumstances, if we’ll let Him. I’m sorry if I made this sound too simple… I was just trying to keep my post brief. Thank you for joining the conversation, and allowing me the chance to flesh this out a little more!


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