T: Tchaikovsky, “The Nutcracker,” and Holiday Magic


When we think of ballet at its best, The Nutcracker almost always dances through our heads. Children across the world have been delighted by this fanciful Christmas ballet, and countless ballet companies have performed the work.

Of course, what child doesn’t dream of toys that come to life, and wouldn’t be thrilled at the thought of not only journeying to a magical Land of Sweets, but being crowned its ruler?

The musical score by Tchaikovsky, however, is the true secret to this ballet’s success. We all recognize The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy when we hear it, don’t we? See… you’re humming it to yourself now!

Tchaikovsky delivers a score which captures the dreamlike state of the story and the unique culture and flavor of each character within the ballet. The experience is fun, educational, and full of Christmas magic.

And of course, when it comes to Christmas, we don’t have to think too hard to point people to Christ. He is the reason for this wonderful season, which is something we can celebrate throughout the year.

“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21



And now, without further ado… The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy!


Photo Credit:  The Nutcracker in Opera and Ballet Theater, Minsk Хомелка CC 3.0


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This post was submitted as part of the A to Z Challenge, where participants agree to write an article that corresponds to each letter of the alphabet, posting every day of the month of April (except Sundays).

Here on The Artistic Christian,  my theme for the month is The Classics.  Each day I’ll examine a book, film, or work of art that has become a beloved classic and discuss what has made it such a success, and what eternal themes it contains that Christian artists can use as modern illustrations.

For daily reflections from my personal travels around the world, check out my companion blog, Everyday Musings, where my theme for April is Reflections From Around the World.

16 thoughts on “T: Tchaikovsky, “The Nutcracker,” and Holiday Magic

  1. Reblogged this on artelocion and commented:
    Uno de los clàsicos de danza y de la música de Tchaikovsky es sin duda “The Nutcracker” El cascanueces. Es dificil empezar a escuchar la maravillosa obra y no escucharla hasta el final.
    Es una obra adaptada de Hoffmann que para aproximadamente en el año 1892 fue estrenada para el público.
    La belleza visual del trabajo artistico, la musica, los bailarines y el público son la mezcla de la màgia que ocurre en escena.
    A traves de los años se han presentado miles de artistas para mostrar este cuento de hadas-ballet con el mismo encanto.


  2. I saw The Nutcracker a number of times when I was younger, sometimes as a school trip, other times with my family. My birthday is right around that time (18 December), so it was a birthday present at least once.

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  3. Crazy story … I am not now nor ever been a talented dancer, but when I was in kindergarten my school had a Christmas play and I performed in the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. I’m sure I was as clumsy then as I am now, but it makes for an interesting tale. Ha! Personally, I love The Nutcracker and look forward to revisiting this beautiful story each Christmas, but the greatest Christmas story is the one story that matters … Jesus. Great post, John Mark.

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      1. That “music teacher” was my mother. She taught 3rd grade and every year wrote a script for a Christmas play, usually based on a familiar Christmas story. I appeared in many of her plays: Mrs. Finnewig in A Christmas Carl, an elf in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, the narrator in Peter Pan (the Christmas version). I’m sure in today’s world, she would be sued for plagiarism, but back in the 80’s on a rural Louisiana school stage, we had wonderful times acting (or pretending to act) in front of an audience thanks to my mom.

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